Yes on Prop 30

Gay Fresno Voter Guide

Make your voice heard!  Voting is one of the most important things you can do to determine the direction of this country.  The following guide was prepared after extensive research of the ballot initiatives full text, fiscal effects and comparisons with other LGBT service organizations recommendations.  We hope this guide proves to be a valuable resource. Feedback and discussion is welcome and encouraged in the comment box below.

Download the Voter Guide
, click on the link for a printable PDF document. Then print it and take to the polls.

Get the guide on your phone! Text Vote to 5598624559 and we'll get the guide sent to you in minutes.

Yes on Prop 30No on Prop 31No on Prop 32No on Prop 33

Yes on Prop 34No on Prop 35Yes on Prop 36Yes on Prop 37

Yes on Prop 39Yes on Prop 40

Fresno area Measures

Yes on measure BYes on measure FNo on measure O

We encourage you to read the official California State voter guide.


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Paid for by Gay Fresno and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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