
X-Men’s Shawn Ashmore, Giada De Laurentiis In Gay Rights Video Campaign

brett_ratner_x-men_star_shawn_ashmore Shawn Ashmore, best known for playing Iceman in the X-Men films, and Food Network star Giada De Laurentiis are among the celebrities participating in a new video campaign from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

GLAAD announced on Sunday the involvement of Ashmore and De Laurentiis in the still unnamed campaign which will feature celebrities, professional athletes and politicians coming “out of the closet” as supporters of gay rights.

Director Brett Ratner announced he was teaming up with GLAAD to produce the video campaign three months after he stepped down as producer of this year's Oscars for using an anti-gay slur.

During a Q&A following a screening of his film Tower Heist, Ratner said that “rehearsing is for fags.” He apologized for the remark and resigned as producer of the annual awards show.

“Straight allies are vital to ensuring that millions of LGBT are treated fairly, and the new spots include both people already famous for their support of the LGBT community and some surprising new ones as well,” GLAAD said in a blog post.


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