
CONTEST: Pride Month Champions of Change Video Challenge


The White House is seeking video submissions from the LGBT Community on topics ranging from Unsung Heroes to The Arts to Storytelling...all with a focus on the LGBT Community...

Courtesy WhiteHouse.gov

Across the country, ordinary people are doing extraordinary things to improve the lives of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.  They are parents and students, neighborhood and business leaders, artists and advocates, all united in the fight for equality.

We know that the American people are the source of some of the best ideas and most innovative solutions.  That’s why the White House Champions of Change series spotlights everyday heroes who are demonstrating commitment to improving their own communities, their country, or the lives of their fellow citizens.  And in that spirit, we are launching the LGBT Pride Month Champions of Change Video Challenge to explore the stories of unsung heroes and local leaders who are leading our march towards a more perfect union.

If that sounds like you or someone you know, then we want to hear from you – and we want to see you in action!

Here's how it works.  You have until Friday, May 4 to submit video entries online.  A panel will review submissions and select a group of semi-finalists.  Then, in early June, the public will have a chance to weigh in and help identify finalists that will be featured as Champions of Change at an event at the White House.

Each video should fit one or more of the following categories, some of which may be used to organize semi-finalists and finalists:

  • Storytelling (stories of coming out or overcoming adversity)
  • Culture & Identity (interesting intersections with race, national origin, religion, and disability)
  • Unsung Heroes (individuals and organizations that haven’t been recognized for their contributions)
  • The Arts (music, art, photography, poetry, and prose that inspire courage and acceptance)
  • Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation (individuals and organizations that are testing new approaches and demonstrating results)
  • Community Solutions (local initiatives that are solving local challenges)
  • Friends & Allies (family members, teachers, faith leaders, and other allies in the fight for equality)

Videos will be accepted in any form (including music video, PSA, short film, video blog, and interview) but must be no longer than 3 minutes.  Essays no longer than 750 words will also be accepted if video production is not possible.  Submissions should be creative, innovative, and inspiring and must be submitted by Friday, May 4, 2012.

Enter the contest here... http://www.whitehouse.gov/webform/pride-month-champions-change-video-challenge


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