
Support for gay marriage takes dramatic leap

On the heals of the Ninth Circuit Court’s ruling in favor of same sex marriage, a new poll shows gay marriage has arrived in California – in public opinion if not in state lawbooks. Golden State registered voters now favor same-sex unions by 59 percent to 34 percent, a 25-point gap that is the largest margin of support for the issue in the three-plus decades the Field Poll has been asking the question.

The new Field survey shows support has leapt markedly in the three and a half years since California voters approved Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage, 52.3 percent to 47.7 percent.

The poll showed increases in support virtually across the board – among voters under 64, non-white voters, Catholics, Republicans and nonpartisans.

Another great new read on the topic of same sex marriage is Frank Rich’s article: “Whitewashing Gay History



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