
EVENT: Rogue Festival 2012

The Rogue Festival starts this week and runs March 1-10th at various locations and times.


The Rogue celebrates the independent performer and artist by providing the opportunity to showcase works in a friendly, affordable, and creative setting. The Rogue Performance Festival is modeled after the fringe festivals which have become popular worldwide.

The Rogue is fast growing into a Festival that will encompass every aspect of the arts.

And, of course MONEY is always welcome!  The Rogue Festival is a 501(c) non-profit, so all donations are tax-deductable.

The Rogue Festival offers a unique and eclectic variety of performance pieces and is arranged in a manner which encourages people to move between venues to see a variety of art and theater.

CLICK HERE for more details and a 2012 Rogue Festival Schedule.  There are rules as to whether you can show up late for a performance or not, and there are ROGUE BUCKS, new for 2012, that can save you money and get you free credits for your purchases.


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