
Maryland House Approves Same Sex Marriage

The wave continues...The Maryland House has just passed a bill legalizing same sex marriage. Next is the Senate, which appears to be a slam dunk and then the Governor, who has vocally supported the legislation.


The Maryland House of Delegates needed 71 votes to pass the bill. Whether the chamber had the requisite votes was a matter of much speculation just hours before the vote. Pro-marriage equality lawmakers Thursday had to delay consideration of the legislation until today, when it passed 71 to 67 as cheers erupted from the gallery and on the floor.

Nearly a year ago, the House voted to shelve a marriage bill by sending the legislation back to committee — this after it became clear that supporters simply did not have enough votes. But the Senate passed the bill and is expected to do so again this year. Gov. Martin O’Malley has pushed for the law and pledged to sign it. "Today, the House of Delegates voted for human dignity," he said in a statement after the vote.



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