
Fresno LGBT Community Center Appears in the Advocate

The Advocate Magazine started  "A Day In Gay America" last year, a photo project chronicling the LGBT community across the nation on a given day. This year, the second annual effort, is another cross section of LGBT American life.

Often lost in all the debates this year over same-sex marriage and “don’t ask, don’t tell” was the reality that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans are people—not a category. And what a wonderfully diverse people we are. For our second annual photo project we asked readers from across the United States to send us a photo taken on August 12. There were so many fantastic contributions we couldn’t print them all here (keep watch on Advocate.com for many more). Each photo we received is both a stark reminder of our multiplicity and incontrovertible proof that we are everywhere — from Alaska to Maine — and deserve the right to live and love and celebrate ourselves as we choose.

Chris Jarvis and Jaymi Morgan, both board members of Gay Central Valley, got together on that day to take a picture and submit it to the project. That photo has been accepted and appears in this year's issue. Photo, taken by Chris Jarvis, is of Jaymi Morgan working on her scheduled day at the Fresno LGBT Community Center.




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