
LGBT Class Action Lawsuit Seeks Couples

Forwarded by Chuck Krugman...thanks, Chuck!

The Legal Aid Society – Employment Law Center would like to
immediately speak with gay and lesbian couples who are registered
domestic partners with the State of California (and who did not get
married duirng the 2008 marriage equality window for whatever
reason). The LAS-ELC is seeking a class representative to advance the
constitutional rights of such couples in a case about partner benefits
available to public employees in California.


In Dragovich v. CalPERS, a class action lawsuit, the Legal Aid Society–
Employment Law Center represents gay and lesbian employees of the
state of California and their legally recognized spouses and domestic
partners who have been excluded from equal access to the popular
CalPERS long-term care program. The couples are suing CalPERS and the
IRS to challenge the constitutionality of federal law that prohibits
the enrollment of legally recognized same-sex partners (whether
married or RDP).

The Dragovich plaintiffs are all couples in which one person is
eligible to apply for the plan and the other person is not eligible.

Any state, local, or regional public employee in California is
eligible to apply for the CalPERS long-term care plan.

Claudia Center
The Legal Aid Society -- Employment Law Center
180 Montgomery Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94104
[email protected]
(415) 864-8848 (voice)
(415) 593-0093 (fax)
(415) 593-0091 (TTY)
(415) 531-2874 (cell)


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