
SUNDAY: Same Sex Marriages Begin In NY


This Sunday, July 24th, same sex couples will be able to legally wed in the state of New York. The marriage bureaus, which are normally closed on Sundays, have chosen to open, marking this historic event. There were so many requests from the citizens of New York to be married on this monumental day, that the state had to institute a lottery system and choose couples instead.

"...more than 2,600 couples expressed an interest in marrying. Some 823 couples entered the drawing for 764 spots, and city officials announced Thursday that they planned to accommodate all of them."

“Most people are kind of pumped up and excited because they know this is going to be a very special day in the history of civil rights and everyone knows they are going to be playing a role,” said New York City clerk Michael McSweeney. “It’s a time that will be long remembered in the history of New York City, and I think there is a feeling that this is going to be an exciting time to be part of this.”



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