A Meet & Greet with The California Legislative Caucus – TODAY 5-7pm

Fresno Rainbow Pride is proud to announce a Meet and Greet with The California Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Caucus.

The LGBT Legislative Caucus is chaired by Senator Christine Kehoe (D - San Diego) and also includes the Speaker of the California Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez (D - Los Angeles), Senator Mark Leno (D - San Francisco), Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D - San Francisco), Assemblymember Toni Atkins (D - San Diego), Assemblymember Richard Gordon (D - Redwood City) and Assemblymember Ricardo Lara (D - South Gate).

The Meet & Greet will be held at the downtown community art collective (dcac) at 754 P Street from 5pm to 7pm.

The Caucus has been named Honorary Grand Marshals for the Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival. They will be marching in the Parade and will address the Festival at 12noon Saturday, June 4th.

Come meet the of the Caucus, who were formed in 2002, and have spear headed numerous legislation that has made California a leader in providing equality to GLBT Californians.

Four of the Caucus’ members have confirmed that they will be in attendance Senator Christine Kehoe, Assemblymember Toni Atkins, Assemblymember Richard Gordon and Assemblymember Ricardo Lara.

Further information about the LGBT Caucus:

The California Legislative LGBT Caucus was originally formed in June 2002. The caucus' role is to present a forum for the California Legislature to discuss issues that affect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Californians and to further the goal of equality and justice for all Californians.

Formation of the LGBT Caucus made California the first state in the country to recognize an official caucus of openly-LGBT state legislators.

This year, the California Legislature has the largest number of openly-LGBT lawmakers in its history, with five Assemblymembers (Speaker John A. Pérez, Assemblymembers Tom Ammiano, Toni Atkins, Richard Gordon, and Ricardo Lara) and 2 Senators (Christine Kehoe and Mark Leno). The Legislative LGBT Caucus is currently chaired by Senator Kehoe.


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