
Send Us Your Coming Out Stories…

The Fresno Pride Parade & Festival is less than a month away, on June 4th. June is national Pride month...

For those of us who've been through the process of coming out, it's vital to share our stories in order to empower others in the community to do the same, and to let them know the feelings and fears they experience are shared by others. Mostly, we need to let them know it's possible to live an honest and fulfilling life. Life is always better outside the closet.


Last year we sought your Coming Out Stories and received many touching and emotional accounts of how difficult the experience of coming out can be. We're continuing this effort in hopes of putting together a collection of coming out stories to have available at our local Fresno LGBT Community Center.

To commemorate the upcoming Pride month we're asking for your stories again...nothing too difficult, it can be as short as a paragraph or as long as you like. We also welcome videos if you'd prefer to tell your story that way...Your stories will be posted on our websites and included in the collection. Please send a photo as well.

Send your story or video to [email protected]


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