Government Wastes Half A Million

Our government is one fu**ed up piece of work. We all know that the Obama Administration recently stated they will no longer defend parts of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) in federal courts because it's unconstitutional. Then tanned tool John Boehner declared that he'll (congress) defend it for the administration.


Now, in the midst of some of the worst economic times this country has faced (unless you're a CEO or in the top 2% of America's wealth structure) Boehner has hired a legal team to the tune of $500,000 (to start with) to defend the unconstitutional law...

WASHINGTON -- House Republicans plan to pay former Solicitor General Paul Clement and his legal team from King & Spaulding as much as $500,000 of taxpayer money to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) on behalf of House of Representatives, according to a document obtained by the Huffington Post.

"The General Counsel agrees to pay the Contractor for all contractual services rendered a sum not to exceed $500,000.00," the Contract for Legal Services obtained by The Huffington Post says. The cap could be raised "by written agreement between the parties with the approval" of the House, the document states.

The hourly rate that King & Spaulding will be receiving a "blended rate" of $520 per hour -- which could actually be considered a deal. Some reports say that the firm's top attorneys receive as much as $900 per hour. It will also be getting "75 percent of the Contractor's usual and customary rates for all reasonable non-attorney time expended in connection with the Litigation," as well as reimbursements for "reasonable expenses" related to the case.



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