Companies Getting On Board With Gender Reassignment Coverage

As reported by the Associated Press, things are looking up for company employees in the United States who face the daunting expense of gender reassignment. Thanks to the diligent work of transgender rights advocates, more and more companies are covering gender reassignment under their employees insurance policies. What started slowly and with little understanding, is now becoming accepted and more understood.

Gina Duncan is an employee of Wells Fargo, one of 16, who found their surgical needs covered by their insurance policies.

"They had a template in place, and it was surprisingly supporting and mentally encouraging," said Duncan, 55, who four years later still works for Wells Fargo. "So much of what I'd heard involved people who ended up losing their job, losing their family, losing their friends, becoming destitute."

And more companies are joining the effort...

Among the corporations providing transgender-inclusive health benefits are some leading Wall Street and Main Street brands.

American Express, Kraft Foods, AT&T, Yahoo!, Eastman Kodak, Sears, Morgan Stanley, Price Waterhouse, General Motors and State Farm are among 85 large businesses and law firms that cover the cost of at least one surgery, according to a 2010 survey by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights group.



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