A Walk with Kids

Image Visit Jacob’s blog here…. GoodAsGay

I sat inside my house bored out of my mind. It was something that I did often on the weekends as a stared aimlessly into the computer waiting for some game to actually intrigue me. Popping balloons and matching colors was more of a waste of time than watching SpongeBob by myself on Nickelodeon. Word games and hangman as well as that stupid fishy game where you always get eaten by all the damn bigger fish just began to piss me off after awhile. I started to yell at the computer, “Piece of mother beepingly beep beep bleep!” I am not sure why but no matter how much I would swear at the stupid mouse for not working, the stupid computer for freezing, and the computer gods for spiting me, I would only manage to get more pissed off.

In order to prevent my workout to occur while sitting I decided to exit out of the stupid fishy game I had been playing and check the weather. I didn’t check it online though. I actually got my butt off the chair and went outside to find out it was gorgeous. Earlier in the morning before it got light out it had been storming but luckily it was late afternoon and it had turned out to be a bright sunshiny day. I had guessed it to be somewhere around seventy degrees and the sky had the big marshmallow clouds flowing slowly across it. They were the type of clouds that as a kid I would stare at with my mom and perhaps my dad and say hey it looks like a dinosaur.  

As I placed my shoes on my feet and tied them I started thinking heavily about my dad who I had never really gotten to know. I remember we would go to the dirt pit as well as play baseball outside a lot. I once remembered him picking me up when we he got home from carrying mail. I was watching Barney and the next thing I remembered he had his hands around me throwing me up in the air.

        These thoughts of my dad continued as I headed out on my walk. I couldn’t believe what a gorgeous day it was. I always looked forward to going on these walks I would always come up with some brilliant idea that would never get started. Never the less some other thought was to come across my mind today upon seeing something that wouldn’t seem unordinary.

        But on this ordinary day I sped up my pace up to a sort of power walk. I was wearing shorts that were full of pockets and slightly baggy and a light t shirt. I had short little anklet socks because I guess tuber socks are embarrassing and I was wearing flexible blue tennis shoes. Luckily there wasn’t a breeze because even though it was warm a breeze with this outfit would of made the walk chilly for me.

        Without having to worry about keeping warm I looked around as I always did and saw an older girl with a baby carriage that was across the street. Periodically a car would go by and I tried my best not to allow myself to be seen observing this girl for fear she would think I was checking her out. Of course why would I be? She obviously had a kid and besides that I was turning the block where there was a smaller house facing the west and a larger house with a garage that faced the north. I was heading east by this yellow house and heading toward the large park which had a Frisbee golf course.

        There were several teenage guys who I embarrassingly checked out as well as some mothers and fathers. I smiled and said hi to an older sir who had been walking toward me with a dog and he returned that with a nod. Smirking and observing the Frisbees flying across the grass and through the trees I continued towards the river in our town.

        As I came to the edge of the park after sinfully checking out more attractive males and completing ignoring all the girls that were at this park I had a moment of day sha vuu when I saw another girl with a baby strolling the baby down the sidewalk. I started thinking to myself it would be wonderful to have a kid with a girl someday.

        With this glorious thought in mind I continued to walk towards the river as I needed to cross the street. I waited for the black suburban to come to a complete stop before crossing because I hate going across when a vehicle just slows down. I waved at the person in the vehicle only to gawk back at the attractive mid twenties male that was crankily waiting for me to go across. I crossed in front of his now contorted face and thought how wonderful would it be to have a kid with him.

        I got all the way across and the guy drove on without taking a look at me. I was sort of disappointed not because he didn’t look at me. I was upset because I knew I shouldn’t have been checking a guy out let alone thinking about having children with a guy. I mean it is impossible and immorally wrong to have such thoughts. But wow he had the smoothest face with no mustache and the blackest slickest hair I had ever seen. To top that off he was wearing this yellow striped shirt which just made him and other things pop after further thinking.

        Stop Jacob! You must stop thinking these dirty thoughts. Now Jacob, I tried convincing myself, you should start looking at women and not men. You’re attracted to girls Jake because you are a boy. Alright. Alright.

        Now that my mind was morally straight I saw two parents and three kids. They were right off the end in the grass next to the three story elementary school. The youngest boy was about half the size of the older boy and he was laughing at his older brother as he tugged on his side. The older brother was annoyed by this clearly and pushed his brother over as he fell into the grass. He immediately told on him to their father who had a bald head and a beard. The dad said something and the youngest brother went running full speed into his older brother knocking him over. The sister and the mother were both wearing matching yellow spring dresses picking dandelions. I laughed to myself thinking, “I want to raise kids some day.”



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