EQCA & Courage Campaign Phone Bank This Weekend

ImageImageWonderful news! The Courage Campaign community met our goals — twice — and raised more than $50,000 in 72 hours for the "NO on 1" campaign in Maine! I’m here at the NO on 1 headquarters in Maine and folks in the campaign are thrilled. Because of you, momentum is building to protect marriage equality in Maine. And now Anthony Ash, Courage’s Central California Field Organizer, would like to share the following message with you about new poll numbers and a very important action you can take this weekend.
Julia Rosen – Online Political Director, Courage Campaign

A new poll was just released on Question 1 — the initiative similar to Prop 8 that, if passed, would kill marriage equality in Maine. The good news is that this Democracy Corps poll shows "NO on 1" leading 50 percent to 41 percent over "Yes on 1".

But early polling can be very deceiving. Just look at what happened in California last year. Remember when flawed public polls showed Prop 8 losing by double-digits in September? That’s when the opposition saturated the airwaves with their fear-mongering and homophobic TV ads. And those public poll numbers flipped almost overnight.

We can’t let the same thing happen in Maine. That’s why the Courage Campaign is teaming up with Equality California for an urgent NO on 1 phone bank on Saturday in Fresno. And we need your help urgently. Can you show up?


The "NO on 1" campaign needs all the help they can get to talk to Maine voters. Mainers are already turning in ballots and early in-person voting will begin soon. This is a crucial time for the campaign to talk directly with as many voters as possible and the campaign is counting on our community in California to help. Together, along with Equality California, we can maximize NO on 1’s capacity to call more Maine voters.

Phone calls from volunteers like you can make the difference between keeping marriage equality or another brutal loss like Prop 8. Please sign up to attend this urgent phone bank for Maine in Fresno on Saturday:


The money that you raised in the last 72 hours is being put to use right now — including expanding NO on 1’s remote phone banking operations. Next week, Courage Campaign Equality Hub Manager Caitlin Maloney will have more to report about the new phone-from-home Call for Equality program we are working on with the NO on 1 campaign.
Thank you for everything you are doing to keep another Prop 8 from passing.
Anthony Ash
Central California Field Organizer, Courage Campaign    

The Courage Campaign is an online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country.


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