Cathy DeBuono On SheWired

Cathy DeBuono , who’s been regularly featured on Gay Fresno in the past, has found a new home at SheWired.com where she is once again featuring her witty video interview/chat series,   What’s Your Problem?  . Check out her lineup here: Cathy DeBuono on She Wired then take a look at her latest postings related to

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IDC – Pre-Thanksgiving Nov 22

The Imperial Dove Court de Fresno/Madera Inc &The Court of Life, Laughter, & Love Proudly Present Pre-Thanksgiving “A Family Reunion- Group Therapy Time” Saturday Nov 22, 2008 @The North Tower Circle 2777 N Maroa Fresno, CA 93704 / Tickets $20 Includes Dinner, Desert, & Show For More Information Contact: Ms Nel (559) 908-9021 or Empress

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Prop 8 Reactions

Harvey hits the nail on the head with his blog… “While we dance in the streets and pat ourselves on the back for being a nation great enough to reach beyond racial divides to elect our first African-American president let us not forget that we remain a nation still proudly practicing prejudice.” Read the full

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Businesses Hit By Prop 8

In June it was estimated that legal same sex marriage would add 63 million to the state’s economy. With Prop 8 passed, however, California businesses are already seeing the economic results. The New York Times summarizes in the following article. “Even as opponents of the measure officially conceded defeat on Thursday, California business owners —

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Prop 8: ACLU Court Response

The ACLU, Lambda Legal and the National Center For Lesbian Rights filed a writ petition before the California Supreme Court on Wednesday to invalidate Proposition 8, stating, “The California Constitution itself sets out two ways to alter the document that sets the most basic rules about how state government works. Through the initiative process, voters

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