New GAY PRIDE Videos Just Added

About 25 NEW Gay Pride & Related Videos have just been posted, including videos from Pride celebrations in Mexico, India, Finland, Norway, Paris, NYC, Seattle, Houston, Chicago and San Francisco. Videos are also posted of Margaret Cho and Mayor Gavin Newsome addressing the crowd at San Francisco Pride. Click HERE to access all our Gay

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Entertainment Reviews By Leon

The Zoo Keeper   A Novel   Author Alex MacLennan   Review by Leon Velasco   Rating:  Thumbs way up This story has you go through the life of a Zoo Keeper; it’s not as dull or boring as you may think when it comes to a gay Zoo Keeper. There are many things that entangle to the

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CSU brings it home!

By: Eva Falk So Fresno State won another big sports event. That may have been an exciting evening for some, but not so much for me. I will however make exceptions for the right crowd and some cold beer on a rare occasion. I have a deeper appreciation for the arts, and CSU’s summer arts

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George Carlin 1937-2008

I’m the first to challenge any awe directed toward celebrity.  To anyone paying attention, it should be clear that any version you have of a celebrity is, at best, a produced image. So when celebrities pass away, as they do, I’m usually no more than mildly affected. I may have enjoyed their work, but I

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Equality California Files Case To Remove Marriage Ballot Initiative

Gay rights activists asked California’s highest court Friday to keep off the November ballot a citizens’ initiative that would again ban same-sex marriage. Lawyers for Equality California filed a petition arguing that the proposed amendment to the California constitution should be invalidated because its impact was not made clear to the millions of voters who

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