Final photos of marriages in Fresno

Longtime Fresno community photographer and attorney, Howard K. Watkins, is partnering with the Fresno Regional Foundation and the Henry Madden Library at CSU Fresno to establish the Howard K. Watkins Photographic Archive Project. The Project’s goal is to make Howard’s more than 175,000 photographs publicly accessible as an online historical archive. He was present on

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Fresno REEL PRIDE News

The Fresno Reel Pride 19th Annual International LGBT Film Festival is happening September 17-21, 2008. Reel Pride screens films, as well as hosting parties, events and celebrity guests. This year, during the five day period, the festival is hosting more than 50 films. Reel Pride also recently announced a group cruise to Mexico, with screenings,

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El Voto NO a la Proposición 8

                                 La Proposición 8 quiere reescribír en nuestra Constitución de California para proporcionar que sólo el casamiento entre un hombre y una mujer sea válido o reconocido en California — negando asi a las parejas del mismo sexo el respeto, la dignidad y responsabilidad que vienen con el matrimonio.   "El Voto

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For bad or for worse: mayoral candidates refuse to honestly speak on gay issues

    I’m not a junkie for scandal, but the press today selectively reports on issues and pulls punches in ways that would make Edward R. Murrow turn over in his grave. Political candidates and officials have gotten far too comfortable with evasive answers, "no comment" or denying interviews to anyone who may not support their

For bad or for worse: mayoral candidates refuse to honestly speak on gay issues Read More »